
Suk Singatong + Sitnumnoi | Saturday Fight Night

Num Noi is the head trainer and owner of Singpatong Sitnumnoi Gym.

Notable fighters of the fight night include: Damien Alamos Kwaitonggym, Rafi Singpatong, Penake Sitnumnoi, Pen Tai Singpatong, and more.

Suk Singpatong + Sitnumnoi is the only fight night in Phuket where champions of Thailand’s famous Lumpinee, Channel 7, Omnoi, and Rajadamnern stadiums will fight and world champion titleholders from World Muay Thai Federation (WPMF), World Muay Thai Council (WMC) and World Boxing Council (WBC) will fight.

It is the only night to watch Muay Thai Boxing in Phuket.

All fights are guaranteed by Singptaong + Sitnumnoi Muay Thai Gym.


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